[News everyone talks]中共希望拜登解除对美国的制裁,并施加4招压力。 疫苗| 特朗普| 中美

[Epoch Times March 18, 2021]大家好,欢迎参加星期四(3月18日)的“新闻谈话”。 今天的焦点:中共想撤销特朗普的三大政策! 拜登(Biden)确实想让一个高级官员说一句话; 十多年后,美国不再承认中共的文学手法; 拜登目睹了中共的“分裂”?


[The Chinese Communist Party in the China-U.S. Dialogue proposes to revoke Trump’s 3 policy]


在这次2 + 2会议中,美国领导了该小组,国务卿布林肯和白宫国家安全顾问苏利文。 中共派中央委员会外事办公室主任杨洁chi和外交部部长王毅。

《华尔街日报》 17日援引知情人士的话说,中共将通过这次会议向拜登政府提出至少三项具体要求。





知情人士还透露,中国官员正准备提议在习近平和拜登之间安排在4月22日举行的全球领导人气候峰会(互联网会议)上举行会议。 因为中国认为双方在气候领域有合作的余地。


肖旭:拜登政府高级官员在17日的电话简报中说:“这次会议将有助于双方相互了解,交流美国将在哪些领域采取措施,以及了解中国的立场。” 这是否意味着美国准备采取官方竞争或对抗行动之前就与中国交换信息,以便“管理和控制风险”? 这是什么意思?

[Whether the U.S. and China each say what they say is a “strategic dialogue”?]


首先,就对话的性质而言,中共外交部发言人赵立建声称这是“高层战略对话”。 但是美国国务卿布林科否认这不是战略对话,也没有继续接触的计划。

这是一次战略对话,为什么如此重要? 这是双方第一次在这个问题上发表不同意见吗?

其实并不是。 自2005年以来,中共单方面将中美高层对话称为“战略对话”。 美国从未将其称为“战略对话”,而是“高层对话”,因为美国认为只有与盟国的对话才能被称为“战略对话”。 “战略对话”。 但是,过去,美国很少公开纠正中共的主张,但这一次显然是不同的。

秦鹏:您如何看待这个细节? 掌握规则制定权? 害怕“ app靖”?

[The Biden government issued 4 cards in a row to pressurize the CCP]

在中美会谈之前的一周,拜登政府进行了一系列密集安排,并先后发行了四张外交卡。 包括:召开印度太平洋四民族峰会; 访问日本和韩国,并与日本发表联合声明,批评中共; 在香港问题上制裁24名中共官员; 并推动撤销两家中国电信公司在美国的营业执照。 一系列引人注目的行动着眼于中共对美国的国家安全威胁。

小旭:这一系列安排的目的是什么? 这会对美中谈判产生影响吗?

[U.S. 2 team leader has deep meaning? Biden’s administration demonstrates “unity”]

《华尔街日报》指出,拜登政府的一名高级官员表示,美国国务卿布林肯和国家安全顾问沙利文共同出席了会议,并传达了一个明确的信息:“现任政府在其对华政策方面是统一的。 这位官员还说,美国已经看到中共“过去曾试图在一个政府中发动不和。

尽管该官员没有明确指出中共在哪个美国政府内建立了分裂机构,但在川普试图在特朗普政府中进行分裂之前,有很多信息。 当时,中共在哪些领域和谁试图建立分裂? 它影响了特朗普的决策吗? 在《屠龙者》和《驯龙师》之间?

秦鹏:您认为拜登政府对中共的政策是“统一和协调的”吗? 统一的龙训练学校? 您如何看待Brinken Shiqiang和Biden Shihao?


The Wall Street Journal said that at this meeting, CCP officials called for China and the United States to recognize each other’s “vaccine passports.” CCP officials believe that this will help promote traffic between the two countries.

Now, while countries around the world are advancing vaccination, many countries are also promoting the “vaccine passport” program, that is, issuing special documents for people who have received full doses of vaccines, allowing them to travel to other parts of the country without the need isolation. Some countries are also promoting cross-border recognition of “vaccine passports”, such as the CCP and Israel.

Xiaoxu: The CCP proposed the mutual recognition of “vaccine passports” between the United States and China. Is there any subtext to increase personnel exchanges between the two sides? Do you think the United States should accept it?

Is it possible to have a global vaccine passport in the future?

When it comes to vaccine passports, the issue of vaccine effectiveness is also inseparable. In fact, as early as February, South Africa stopped the promotion of the AstraZeneca vaccine because it was discovered that the AstraZeneca vaccine had limited protection against the South African variant virus. In addition, the Pfizer and Modena vaccines in the United States were found to have greatly reduced efficacy against the South African variant. The United States is now choosing a strategy to deal with it, either to deal with each variant one by one, or to try to develop a vaccine that can deal with multiple variants at the same time; how does Xiaoxu think about the feasibility of these solutions?

Now that the AstraZeneca vaccine is blocked in Europe, the CCP is eager to try and export vaccines to Europe. It has previously been successfully exported to small European countries such as Hungary. In contrast, the United States has been relatively slow in exporting vaccines to Europe because it wants to give priority to protecting domestic vaccines. supply. What is the responsible approach?

Finally, the program reminds everyone that because Youtube is now more and more severely censored, we have also established a channel on another platform[YOUMAKER]。 该平台将是我们将来将长期使用的平台。 它的链接发布在今天的程序上。 欢迎在YouMaker上注册一个帐户,并在以下内容的文字介绍和粘性评论中关注我们



NTD直播:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = p0r1j2CGOX4&feature = youtu.be



