市场上的机构:A股市场的三个新特征令人震惊,牛市旗手改变了什么信号? _东方财富网



Jufeng Investment Adviser: Three new characteristics of the A-share market have been revealed, what signal does the bull market flag bearer change?

View: Since the fourth quarter of last year, market risk appetite has rebounded. With the accelerated recovery of economic fundamentals and reasonable abundance of liquidity, the logic of the market’s positive trend has not changed. After the upward structural shock, with the recovery of market sentiment and the improvement of the earning effect, the spring market is in full swing, and the earning effect of the market has begun. After the consolidation at the end of January and the beginning of February, as the liquidity drive gradually weakened,PerformanceBoosting and rising valuations are expected to become the main force for the bull market to improve, and we can focus on the overall performance of consumption and cyclical targets in the later stage of economic recovery.

It fell sharply yesterday, and today the two cities opened sharply lower.Shanghai IndexDirectly fell below the 3500 points competition barrier.However, the opening of the market or the sudden change of the market situation, the index ushered in a full-line rise, the GEM first went strong, and withKweichow MoutaiAs well as the rise of the securities sector, the Shanghai stock index fluctuated upward. After that,bankUnder the stimulus of the stocks’ daily limit, the index became red smoothly and continued to rise.

Pay close attention to today’s market. Unlike most recent declines, the changes shown in the intraday market basically indicate that short-term adjustments may come to an end, and a staged rebound that can be expected is coming:

First, a number of indexes stopped falling after reaching strong support levels; the Shenzhen Component Index fell to the semi-annual line and ushered in strong support, the GEM fell below the semi-annual line and ushered in a sharp rebound, and the Shanghai Index ushered in the upward after repeated competition for 3,500 points. attack. The three major indexes are all important and good positions. At this moment, the group’s upswing is actually a short-term “defense war”. After all, if the important position falls below, the market sentiment may continue to be sluggish. Today’s resonant upward movement is actually of extraordinary significance, and the strength of the rebound is also worth looking forward to;

Second, the concentration adjustment of Baotuan stocks has slowed down and is coming to an end;Kweichow MoutaiThe liquor sector, headed by the group, ushered in a big rise today. The concentrated upward trend of these group varieties has been rare in the recent decline, not just liquor. Many other group varieties have ushered in a concentrated rebound today. Contrary to the trend, non-ferrous and other varieties fell sharply, which also shows that the rebound momentum of short-term group varieties has begun to strengthen, or there is still room for rebound;

Third, the strong performance of securities stocks, the bull market flag bearer is expected to exert force. The securities sector is the most anticipated but the most unexpected. Since the next round of the market, the market has been tepid, and the chain is always off at critical moments. But it is undeniable thatBroker performanceUnder the big increase, accompanied by importantmeetingProposed to steadily advance the registration system,BrokerageToday ushered in a big rise, and the stocks ushered in the daily limit of the plate, this start also has a greater boost to the market.

Therefore, the sharp rise after the opening low and the abnormal performance of the market actually reflect the strong desire and expectation of a short-term rebound. More importantly, the current stage of adjustment itself is caused by emotional interference, and the logic of the market’s positive trend has not undergone essential changes, especially under the accelerated recovery of the economy, market support is still strong, and liquidity is generally stable. Down, it is still enough to push the market forward. In addition, with the continuous improvement of the performance of listed companies, the driving force of performance to push the market is still a powerful force for the continued improvement of the index.

Therefore, it is optimistic that the short-term market adjustment is coming to an end. A short-term rebound can be expected here, and individual stocks can be played appropriately, especially related concept stocks of important conferences such as 5G and semiconductors.bank, Zhongzi first and other varieties with valuation advantages, can continue to be tracked. In addition, the targets supported by low performance have potential opportunities for bargaining.

In general, the post-holiday market decline is mainly due to the interference of emotional worries. Emotional worries originate from the return of domestic and foreign sources. The domestic pressure is mainly due to the tightening of liquidity margins. The fluctuation of U.S. bond yields overseas mainly affects the market. Disturbance, but this does not affect the nature of the bull market pattern. The current reorganization is only a spontaneous behavior in the bull market pattern, and it is also a normal style adjustment under the interference of phased external factors. With the gradual stabilization of overseas epidemics and the recovery of profits of domestic listed companies, the trend of market consolidation is expected to gradually come to an end, and then usher in a new upward trend.

Hexin Investment Consulting: the cycle hits Maotai’s anti-pumping big A rebound and shows its fatigue

  [Disc Viewpoint]

今天这两个市场收盘大幅下跌,主要是由于外部影响,尤其是纳斯达克对A股的更大影响。 这波美国股市连续三天下跌。 A股交替上涨和下跌,但重心一直向下移动。往低处走,往高处走,但是反弹充满了疲劳感,并且仍然很难继续。目前,消费类电子产品的反弹相对强劲,其次是证券,汽车和白酒也表现良好。 下降的清单非常集中。 自行车存货,特别是稀土和钢铁,在前一时期表现良好,出现了大幅下降。 水泥和煤炭。 碳中和和今天都处于纠正状态。 从技术上讲,上海证券交易所低开高走,但已跌破移动平均线。 幸运的是,3450仍在抵抗,但突破后,反击将变得越来越困难。 必须对其进行操作。 注意控制位置,请谨慎参加。

在经历了昨天的大幅下跌之后,如果不进行外部市场的持续调整,那么市场对今天反弹的预期将非常高。 但是,即使开盘价急剧下跌,磁盘上仍然存在低价买入的机会和空间,但是据估计,低价买入的人很少。 可以掌握它。

如今,金融,汽车,酒类和消费类电子产品出现了相对强劲的反弹。 连同大技术一起,预计消费电子产品将不受欢迎,特别是消费电子产品作为技术的一个分支,即使最底层的市场将选择半导体。 逢低吸纳,消费电子产品的兴起受到新闻的刺激,而且并不是在潜伏; 2000年突破后,茅台酒茅台确实吸引了资金追捧的浪潮,但反弹更加难以持续。 最大的可能性是首先使其稳定。 如果您今天不在低点上车,以后很难找到买到的东西。 短期内无需游戏。 财务还可以,小额资金没有耐心。 。

总结收益清单,没有连续性,也没有关于基金的明显共识。 更多的回合仍在增加,没有第一手就根本没有利润。 上升之后,风险可能随时释放。

下降清单主要集中在周期的总体方向上。 在稀土和钢铁领域,这种反弹势头强劲,而且两个领域都有领先的股票来打破这种状况。 结果,包头钢铁在早盘交易中动摇。五矿稀土直接检查按钮,这种极端趋势将对继电器板的连续性产生很大影响。 不确定谁会在下一波中起床,但是无论谁起床,超预期的可能性都不大。

总体而言,指数趋势很丑陋,但仍有博彩空间。主题另一方面,以低风险为主体的快速运转模式仍在继续。 有几个方向可以使利润尽可能安全,但小额头寸的潜力更大。 多关注新闻,把握卖点。

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今天,交通运输部党组书记杨传堂在中央广交会的一间客房里说,交通运输部将在2021年促进12项民生问题,其中包括:为ETC发起特别促销行动。服务,扩大ETC在停车场和加油站的应用; 实施绿色旅行“耐力项目”,在重点领域推广高速公路在服务区,旅客运输枢纽和其他车站建造充电桩; 促进农村旅客,货运和邮件的综合发展; 方便老人自驾旅行。



