非法打击和非法打击“影子股东”创造财富?上海和深圳的两个主要交易所回应:确保科学技术创新委员会的建设,创业板市场的建立和注册制度的改革。 com




[Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges: to ensure the stability and long-term development of the sci-tech innovation board, the growth enterprise board and the reform of the registration system]

上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所均表示,该准则适用于各行业发行和上市的审查。从监管的角度出发,《准则》加强了对公司股东信息披露的监督。列出的是中央经济工作的深入实施。会议贯彻落实“防止资本无序扩张”的重要措施,防止“影子股东”非法和非法“创造财富”,从源头上进一步增强上市。公司质量意义重大。 从监管逻辑的角度来看,《准则》坚持尊重注册系统的基本含义,反思国际最佳实践,反映中国特色和发展阶段的三大原则,充分体现了统一注册制度改革的现实要求和基本内涵的制度建设思想。从监管内容上看,《指南》坚持以问题为导向的方法,着重于限制股权,意外购买和上市前购买价钱异常等市场反映出突出的问题,加快了系统缺陷的完成,这对于科学技术创新委员会的稳步发展具有强烈的针对性和指导性。



一是抓好增量项目申请。 新申报的公司在报告时应充分执行本准则的要求,清理其股权,披露股东信息,并根据法律法规提交特别承诺。 保荐机构应当对持股,上市前的突击收购,异常股价等“三种情况”进行专项检查,并出具检查意见。 上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所将重点检查发行人和中介机构是否按照《指南》执行了有关事项,以及在申报符合要求之前的12个月内新股东的禁售期。

二是股票项目分类处理。 对于正在审核的项目以及已经通过上市委员会审核但尚未注册的项目,上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所将迅速通知相关发行人和中介机构,以补充股东信息的披露并进行核查。 对于没有股权,突然购买股票或股价出现明显异常等问题的公司,或在按照规定提交特别承诺后,在初步审查和咨询阶段已解释或披露上述问题的公司,审核过程将正常进行。

第三是统一查询标准。 上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所将根据公司的实际情况合理地提出问题,披露和核实类似问题的范围也应一致。 审议期间,沪深两市将进一步关注公司股东信息披露和核查问题,区分公司条件分类,针对性地进行补充查询,重点关注自然人股东和多层次嵌套。股价异常。 机构股东的信息披露和核查。

第四是压制责任。 上海证券交易所将结合早先发布的“常见问题自我检查表”和“科学技术创新委员会赞助商业务现场监管指南”,深圳证券交易所将结合早先制定和推断的信息披露审查要点两家交易所将进一步收紧和压缩发行人的信息披露主要责任和中介机构的检查责任,严格控制创业板公司的进入。 拟上市公司未如实解释或披露股东信息,或者有关中介机构未履行尽职调查义务的,上海证券交易所,深圳证券交易所将严肃查处并加强威慑作用; 如果线索被怀疑违反法律,法规,将立即转移到有关部门进行处理。

五是加强监管协调。 上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所将进一步加强与相关部门的监管协调和信息共享,充分发挥监管协同作用。反洗钱如有管理上和反腐败方面的要求,上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所将立即要求中国证监会启动咨询程序。 在实施本准则的过程中,如果出现重大或史无前例的问题,上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所将迅速执行要求指示和报告重大问题的程序。市场参与者如果对本指南的具体应用存在重大疑问,可以及时咨询并报告给上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所。

[IssuersandintermediaryagenciesontheletterandverificationWork point

Both the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange stated that issuers should be honest and trustworthy, disclose information truthfully, accurately and completely, and implement the requirements of the Guidelines in terms of specifications, commitments, and disclosures:

The first is to strictly regulate the equity holdings. In the historical evolution, if there is a situation such as holding on behalf of shares, it shall be terminated in accordance with the law before submitting the application and fully disclosed in the prospectus.

The second is a special commitment that shareholders are qualified. Make a clear commitment and disclose that there are no shareholders who are prohibited from holding shares under laws and regulations, there are no intermediary personnel related to the issuance, and the issuer does not have any improper transfer of benefits with equity.

The third is to fully disclose or explain relevant shareholder information.The basic information of newly-increased shareholders within 12 months before the declaration shall be fully disclosed in the prospectus; the basic information of natural person shareholders whose share transaction prices are obviously abnormal, and those whose shareholding structure is complicated and whose share transaction prices are obviously abnormal have penetrated , Should be explained; private equity investmentfundWaiting for financeproductAs a shareholder, it should disclose its inclusion in supervision.

The fourth is to urge relevant shareholders to implement lock-in requirements. The newly-increased shareholders within 12 months before the declaration shall undertake that the newly-increased shares held by them shall not be transferred within 36 months from the date of acquisition, and the issuer shall supervise the implementation.

Sponsor institutions, securities service institutions and other intermediary institutions shall be diligent and responsible, and verify the shareholder information disclosed by the issuer in accordance with the requirements of the Guidelines:

The first is to comprehensively and in-depth review and urge the issuer to disclose shareholder information. It is not possible to simply use relevant institution or individual commitments as the basis for issuing verification opinions. Comprehensive and in-depth verification includes but not limited to objective evidence such as shareholder agreement, transaction consideration, source of funds, payment method, etc. ,GuaranteeThe documents issued are true, accurate and complete; second, for shareholders with abnormal share prices and shareholders with complex shareholding structures, in accordance with the requirements of the “Guidelines”, a layer-by-layer verification method shall be adopted to verify the basic situation and background of the shareholders, etc. Information to ensure that there is no such situation as equity holding, illegal holding, improper transfer of interests, etc.

[New shareholders need to be disclosed in accordance with the “Guidelines”]

《指南》发布后,市场引起了高度关注。 关于新股东股份的禁售安排,《准则》的适用范围以及规则趋同的具体情况是什么?


《准则》延长了上市前确定股权参与的时间标准,并将新cDong确认为意外购股,并且购股方式包括增资股份扩大和股份转让。 新股东需要根据准则披露,验证和锁定股份。 此外,如新股东来自控股股东,实际控制该人的股份转让必须遵守中国证券监督管理委员会和联交所的其他有关控股股东和实际控制人持有股份的禁售规定。



