




根据我省的实际空气情况和省环境监测中心的最新预报结果,该省的扩散条件从1月22日至25日持续恶化。其中,从1月23日至24日,湿度增加,并且大多数地区将继续经历严峻的条件。 在污染过程中,北部中部和西部地区将定期发生严重污染; 1月25日,大多数地区将出现降水减弱的过程,但是由于周围的传播,重度污染将逐渐消失,改善程度尚不确定。 。 为了做好区域联合防控工作,减少污染高峰,减少重污染持续时间,保护人民群众的健康,按照《关于启动严重污染天气红色预警的紧急通知》经河南省污染预防控制领导小组办公室研究确定,从2021年1月22日10:00起,我市将重污染天气等级II(橙色)预警响应升级为预警级别I(红色)的响应,以及取消时间将另行通知。

在严重污染天气预警期间,要求各县区根据本辖区的实际大气环境管理,进一步加强水泥,冶炼,铸造,陶瓷,耐火材料等重点行业的污染控制,特别是对加强燃气相关企业的建设,对建筑工地,重型车辆和非道路移动机械的监督管理,尽量减少污染; 严格执行《关于做好鹤壁市水泥砖窑企业交错生产工作的通知》(合欢办事处)[(2020)No88)requiresthatcementandbrickkilnenterprisesimplementstaggeredproduction;taketheinitiativetospeakouttothesocietyremindthepublictotakehealthprotectionmeasuresadvocatealow-carbonlifeforthewholepeopleandacceptsocialsupervision

The relevant departments of counties, districts and cities should organize forces in accordance with the “Hebi City Heavy Pollution Weather Emergency Plan (Revised in 2019)” (Hezheng Office (2019) No. 23) and the “Hebi City Heavy Pollution Weather Emergency Control List” (Hebi City’s Heavy Pollution Office (2020) No. 68) to carry out inspections on the activation of the severely polluted weather emergency plan and the implementation of emergency emission reduction measures, to ensure that various emergency control measures are in place, and to increase the implementation of the “one factory, one policy” for enterprises, heavy trucks, and Outage management of non-road mobile machinery and supervision of construction site shutdowns. Departments such as ecological environment, industry and information technology, public security, natural resources and planning, housing construction, urban management, transportation, water conservancy, agriculture and rural areas, market supervision and management, etc. should form a joint force, strictly carry out supervision and inspection according to the division of responsibilities, especially intensify night inspections. , To effectively prevent individual units from stealing production at night, stealing construction, stealing transportation and other violations of laws and regulations that do not implement control measures as required. The Municipal Environmental Tackling Office first and second supervision and assistance conducted unannounced visits to the supervision work of counties and districts and relevant departments during the emergency response to heavy pollution weather, and found that there are many problems or bad problems, and cannot actively carry out supervision and inspection. Counties, districts, and industry management departments that fail to implement control measures should initiate accountability.

During the emergency response period of heavily polluted weather, all counties and districts should take the initiative to speak out to the society, publicize the progress of the response to heavy pollution through the local mainstream media, accept social supervision, promptly resolve doubts and doubts to the public, and do their best to gain the understanding and understanding of the whole society. stand by. All counties, districts and relevant units shall, before 10 a.m. every day, summarize the situation of meetings, deployments, law enforcement inspections, number of inspections, and the number of rectification problems found during the heavy pollution weather control period. “Polluted Weather Information Management Platform” reported. Counties and districts with poor work organization, insufficient implementation of responsibilities, and outstanding problems will be notified and criticized until they are held accountable in accordance with discipline.

Contact: Gao Huili 3312369

Email: [email protected]

January 21, 2021
