巨型市场| 次新股引领市场超跌反弹_东方财富网

原标题:巨人·大市场| 子IPO导致超跌反弹


今天的市场有点有趣。 超跌股反弹,高级团体股下跌,指数全部修正,但上升股超过60%。 。 。


周四,A股在中小板的带领下震荡回落。上证指数收盘3,565.90点,跌0.91%; 深成指收于1,507.13点,跌幅为1.92%。沪深300指数收于5470.46点,下跌1.93%;创业板市场指数数字收于3,089.18点,下降1.31%。两个城市成交11214亿个,比周三减少1131亿美元,两个城市共有89个股票的股票涨停板,有43个股票的股票涨停板。


根据1月12日长和短从权力分析的结果看,多党派在12月9日,11日,16日,18日,22日和24日达到短期极弱状态,随后出现反弹。 11月和13日,空军再次显示出压倒性的优势,根据法律,许多政党如期发动了反击。 14日是这样。


较强的中文前缀:中国中车中国汽车科学研究院每日限额中国重汽中国化学中国铁路中国核电西电中国核建设CAMCE中国铁建中国交通建设中国冶金收益最高。 一半以上的投标属于铁路基础设施,施工等行业。

  新股从7月趋势下降35%反弹:福昕软件日月明涨停20%,上海硅行业艺瑞科技博瑞数据平窝食品,鑫源股份,宝丽来Chippen Micro威胜资讯中信博等待涨幅超过10%,中国陶瓷电子传智教育中天精装祖鸣股份每日上限10%。



从技术角度来看,GEM重量级在这种驱动下,收缩开始于2020年12月上旬,并多次创出新高。 到上周五,创业板市场指数连续拉起,需要进行技术修正。 目前,ChiNext指数很可能在2020年7月中旬复制这一趋势,并建立一个可以高卖低买的高水平振荡平台。[ViewsonJanuary11stillmaintained】

On Monday, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index hit 3,600 points to no avail, and the shock fell back. Institutional stocks loosened.bank, Semiconductors, and military industries performed strongly, while winemaking, agriculture, non-ferrous metals, and coal made a sharp correction.

Tuesday, morningKweichow MoutaiAnother record high, institutional stocks return, the index rebounds collectively; afternoonBrokerageInsuranceThe sector pushed up the index, and the Shanghai Index broke through 3,600 points;marketIntensified differentiation between February and August.

Wednesday, A sharesRush up and fall, The short-term market rose too much, there is a correction demand, high-level blue chips have dived, and the middle-head sector bucked the market.

On Thursday, A-shares oscillated and retreated. The technology stocks and sub-new stocks that have been continuously adjusted since July rebounded from oversold. The Science and Technology 50 Index rose by 4% at one time, and high-level blue chips fell.SuggestinvestmentIn the mid-line bargain hunters, focus on procyclical industries such as new energy vehicles, and in the short-term focus on undervalued blue chip stocks (bankInsurance) And Chinese prefixes and oversold technology stocks to make up opportunities.

(Author: Ding Zhen Yu practicing certificate: A0680613040001)

(Source: Jufeng Finance)

(Editor in charge: DF070)

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