埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)对2021年的预测令人震惊! _东方财富网



Prediction one

We will have self-driving cars in 2021,TeslaFSD’s fully autonomous vehicles will come out in 2021.

People can add autonomous driving functions, and select users, the car will automatically drive and pick up.Self-driving cars will become a partproperty, Not an expense.

Prediction two

Satellite will be launched in 2021the Internet.During the European blockade, Musk has been launching networked satellites into space, SpaceXthe companyStarlink launches 60 satellites every month, and now 1,000 satellites orbit the earth.

In some states of the United States and Canada, satellite Internet has enteredtest, Pay 100 per monthUSDYou can experience it, download speed can reach 50-150mb per second.

Prediction three

We will return to the moon in 2021. Musk predicts that in 2021 the United States will conduct a remote control car race on the moon for the first time.

SpaceX plans to launch the Falcon 9 rocket in October 2021. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Artemis plans to send the first couple to the moon in 2024, at the same time as Musk’s plan to land on Mars for the first time.

Prediction four

Musk predicted,Solar energyAnd energy storage businessGrowthIt will surpass electric vehicles in 2021.

whenSolar energyWhen it becomes cheaper than existing fossil fuels, more than half of the countries in the world and most states in the United StatesSolar energyPower generationpriceWill be equal to or lower than the current price.

(Source: China Business News)

(Editor in charge: DF353)

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